Friday 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas, just a few days!

Hi Guys,
Haven't posted in a long while, but here's the first page of the Jorvik Express magazine. It'll probably come out very rarely (special occasions) and this time: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!
I'll be busy/forget to post near Christmas, so Merry Christmas! Hope you get all you want.

Also, the recent updates have bought out pets! The saddle bags range from Jorvik Shillings and Star Coins, but the pets are all Star Coins (25-200 SC). Be sure to check them out in Pinta! I bought a rabbit and named it Nutella >:D

Anyway, here's today's Magazine:
Tell me what you think at:
You may add or message. Byee <3

Saturday 1 December 2012

December 1st!

The countdown to Christmas has begun! Up until the 25th, I will choose a place per day. Today.. I decided to start with something simple..
Nice place to start December :DD

Monday 26 November 2012

Ready, set, Action!!! :D

Hello AGAIN! Action shots now :D these photos are probably only just of meeee :D so heere we goo..


hi again, a quick post: edits!! i decided to do some edits sooo :D more on the waay

Data and Derps, Derps of data :D

Hey again, as I am catching up on the month a lot of people have been messing with data. I'm tired after a great night with Holly so here are sooome pictures! :D:D:D
Ermm.. Loretta? What is wrong with you woman!!!!

Library >:D

What do you see Sara?

White <3 I prefer this a lot more :D:D

Falling off Khaan (as Mia)

Guys! Wait for me! DISCO IN THE WALLL :D


Elsa shrunk :D:D


Excuse me!

mmm, Dat Buttt!! <3


How to change some colourrss :D

Hey, I'm a postbox, want some mail?

reaar baby rear!!

Mmmm *-*

aaahaha :D headss

Elsa <3 

riding loretttaaaa


Khaaaan <3

Sunday 25 November 2012

Emmy&Sara, Long live good Marriage! :D

Heeeey, I haven't posted for a month and looooads has happened, I will post all the events later but for now the Wedding!! For myne and Sara's wedding, Night Circus dressed up in Blue, Grey, Red, white. The wedding was held at Mrs Holdworth's house for the lovely falling blossom :D We were disturbed by newbies sometimes but all in all a great party. Especially the picnic and swimming :D Cornelia stood as Mrs Holdsworth to do the service. Awesome! :D
I love this pic :D

Swimming after the Wedding :D

Miranda Reference :D

You may now kiss the bride.. oh wait.. hug?

Poor Mich xD

Nice Picnic afterwards :*

Formal dressings :D

Ready to begin :D:D:D:D

Circus Party, Love this picture so much::D

Some Newbies becoming stars *-*

<3 sara

Oh Corny ... :D

That's the wedding post for now :D Loads more to come, maybe today.. maybe tomorrow? Seeyou, keep riding! :DD:D:D:D