Wednesday 20 February 2013


Hey, so Update day was today but the updates weren't quite what I expected.
Last week, they brought out new area with the portals and updates the new area 'soon to be' around Jorvik Stables.
This made me think that this week, there would be an announcement about Jorvik Stables and a build up to it. However, this didn't happen, which I thought was slightly disappointing but I'm not a SR anyway so XD
New paths

Stone walls and paths, will the bridge soon be fixed?

cool treees! will it open soon?

Saturday 16 February 2013

Green Days of Moorland

Hey, for the first time in what seems a million years! It's Emmy, of course.
So, I obviously haven't posted in ages. Basically, I'm still at my leader role in Night Circus and I'm also a non Star Rider now :(
Seems a shame, I nearly got the new quests too! Maybe I will get it when there is double star coins and more areas open. I can't wait!
Also , before I lost SR I got GREEN HAIR!! I love it and I love green!:)
I've also had a few racing rewards for best of the day and a few golds and a bronze in the championships! I need  silver now but good luck with that Emmy, now I can't jump.! I just gave my blog a makeover, so it's now GREEN BLUE AND PURPLE GUUYSS!
So here are some pics of me, and my friends Olympia and Ruby! :D
Looking over the seas of pinta:)

oh wild! D:

Line ride!

Just keep swimming:)

Pinta castle, love you guyss!